Paris Mountain in Charleston SC Paris Mountain, located in the “Upstate ” of South Carolina, is a “monadrock, ” a Native American term for a lone mountain that stands above the surrounding area. A giant rock of hard basalt, rising about 1800 ft. above sea level, this type of mountain formations have survived erosion. Evidence of Cherokee tribes living there go back 11,000 years.

I recently visited this mountain which looks over my mother’s hometown of Greenville, SC and found myself revisiting childhood memories of trips up this majestic peak and the stories held by many generations. I had forgotten how close in proximity it is to Greenville – approximately seven miles from the heart of downtown Greenville. Greenville’s water came from Table Rock in the mountain when my mother was growing up. It was known as the best tasting water in the South. I remember how clean the water tasted after playing in the backyard at my Grandmother’s house off Wade Hampton Blvd.

Many generations have cherished memories of trips to the area known among locals as “The Rock. ” I remember road trips up the mountain, preferably “top down ” in a shiny new convertible or, as was my childhood experience, piled in the back seat of the family car squished between cousins or grandparents holding our breath on each hairpin curve. Most trips were taken in October when the leaves were at their peak. We relished breathing in the fresh mountain air and viewing the first breathtaking colors of autumn. These are memories indelibly etched in our hearts forever. We kids always looked into the tall pines hoping to see a Cherokee Indian or maybe even a black bear.

Our journey to Paris Mountain always led us further into the Appalachian mountains. We stopped along the trail to have our picnic of cold chicken and sandwiches with a cup of cider bought at one of the many stands along the way. Sometimes we were allowed to play in the bubbling creeks and bring rocks down from the mountain for our rock garden. I think now of the stories my mom told me of the long hot summers when young couples escaped their chaperones and drove up to Paris Mountain’s “Lookout Point” on a hot June night, driving up winding roads, one hand on the steering wheel, to a place where they could escape the heat, view the city lights and perhaps even have their first kiss. She would not divulge his name, but I think for her this tale was personal. I guess what happens at “Lookout Point” stays at Lookout Point.

As I viewed the property for the first time with the current owner, a land developer who has for years owned much of this pristine mountain, I came to understand how much he loved this place. He had been up that mountain as a teen probably in an old Ford, now replaced with the latest in BMW technology, assembled just down the road at the BMW plant in Greer. He explained to me how this real estate offering had the highest elevation on Paris Mountain with an “emotional view” only a few fortunate ones can experience. I watched his eyes sparkle as he told of his experience in carving out this desirable tract on his mountain. His plans had been to build a home reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous architectural design “Falling Water” built into the rocks of the mountainside, blending with the beautiful designs of nature. He later described his experience when he wrote, “I fully understand the relationship that can evolve between a man and a certain place. ” I suspect that the passage of time and the responsibilities of other projects quickly devoured the time he needed to complete his dream home. Now he is releasing it for sale so that others will grow to love this mountain as we all did.

One fortunate buyer will own a “piece of that rock” and the opportunity that comes along with it – to own a place that will create unforgettable memories in their hearts. You just can’t help falling in love with Paris Mountain.  Contact me at Luxury Simplified Real Estate and let me show around this majestic piece of land.


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